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Imaging PET/CT

Cancer has become the biggest burden to human life. It is now the leading cause of death surpassing heart disease. Over the years the incidence of new cases has risen dramatically. The good news, however, is that the Detection and Management of Cancer has also improved significantly. Enter PET/CT Hybrid Scanner (Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography). This modality for detection of cancers has dramatically changed how we treat it.

PET/CT which involves scanning a patient after the injection of a specially modified glucose molecule is able to detect the cancer at a very early stage.

Not only is this a giant step forward in making the diagnosis, it also allows for the accurate assessment of the progress of the cancer during and after treatment, thus, giving the doctors the advantage of modifying treatment much earlier in stage of the cancer before it becomes too late and ineffective.

A PET/CT Scan is a non invasive, outpatient procedure

A PET/CT scan is a non-invasive, outpatient procedure that has never been available in the Caribbean until now.

This life-saving technology is accessible in Trinidad & Tobago, affordable, for immediate utilization by Caribbean citizens and covered by most insurance plans.

Located at the Corner of Churchill Roosevelt Highway and Don Miguel Road, El Socorro, Alexandra Imaging Center is now the first facility to offer this to Caribbean Nationals with the latest technology, clearer images and shorter scan times.

Our Whole Body scans are done using the power of the GE Discovery PET/CT Hybrid Scanner, to deliver unmatched spatial resolution and superior fine-detailed images, allowing greater diagnostic accuracy from our resident Radiologists.

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