Consultation Request
We offer Free Consultations for all our patients. This consultation can be booked by either Phone Call, Video Call, In Person Walk-In or by completing the below Form
Please have the following information emailed or brought with you to the Center prior to your consultation:
- Your completed Patient Registration Form
- Your Doctor’s Referral
- Your complete Medical Records – Scans, reports, surgery information, etc
- All Medications currently in use
Your family members and/or primary caretaker can accompany you to the consultation.
Please let us know if you are:
- Claustrophobic
- Trypanophobic (Needle-phobia)
- On alternative (herbal) medicines
- Diabetic
The Discovery of IQ PET/CT Hybrid Scanner can assist in the:
- Revolutionary advances in medical diagnostics have allowed us to detect cancer much earlier;
- Innovative design shortens the time for our Whole-Body scans;
- Can fit Bariatric Patients up to 400 lbs;
- Intelligent design provides more comfort and less claustrophobia;
- Comfortable and Less to patients;
- Image Quality is Exceptional for Accurate Reporting.